Ancient Herbology

Shanelle Smith

Many think of technology like pregnancy tests as a modern day invention when in fact Egyptians created a pregnancy test in 1350 B.C. In order to determine if a woman was pregnant, Egyptian herbalists would soak bags of wheat and barley in the woman’s urine.  If the woman was pregnant with a male child the wheat would sprout, and if pregnant with a girl child the barley would sprout. The pregnancy test is just one of the many medical advancements borrowed from the Yorubic people of West Africa.  Yourbic medicine and the divine art of herbology stems from the Ifa Corpus religious text from over 4,000 years ago in Yorubaland.

In Yorubaland, herbology was used to condition the body to fight off disease and keeping it from attacking itself. To fight off disease the Yourbic people would perform incantations accompanied with mystical concoctions and plant roots to repel the devil or evil spirit trying to take over the body. Egyptian priest who studied cosmology, philosophy and theology were able to identify the connection between food and disease in the body.  They understood that when a body becomes overloaded with junk food the body reacts by causing disease which is intended to cleanse the body.

Some concepts borrowed from the Egypitan medical principals still exists today, when a medical writes a prescription he uses the “Rx” which symbolizes retrograde in health (Jupitar). The Rx symbol means, “I curse your health in retrograde” equaling death to the disease.